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Watchman Nee

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  • Normal Christian Church Life


    1. The Apostles
    2. The Separation And Movements Of The Apostles
    3. The Elders Appointed By The Apostles
    4. The Churches Founded By The Apostles
    5. The Basis Of Union And Division
    6. The Work And The Churches
    7. Among The Workers
    8. The Question Of Finance
    9. The Organization Of Local Churches

    Additional Info
    The contents of this book, with the exception of some minor adjustments to British punctuation, expressions, idioms, and spellings, have been taken directly from the edition published by Watchman Nee in England in 1939 under the title Concerning Our Missions. The 1939 English edition presents Watchman Nee’s own work in the English language; he was directly responsible for its translation and editing. Any differences between the English and Chinese editions reflect Watchman Nee’s own revisions.

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  • Authority And Submission


    1. The Importance Of Authority
    2. Examples Of Rebellion In The Old Testament (1)
    3. Examples Of Rebellion In The Old Testament (2)
    4. David’s Knowledge Of Authority
    5. The Son’s Submission
    6. How God Establishes His Kingdom
    7. God Intends That Man Submit To Representative Authority
    8. Authority In The Body
    9. The Manifestation Of Man’s Rebellion (1)
    10. The Manifestation Of Man’s Rebellion (2)
    11. The Proper Limit Of Submission To Authority
    12. The Kind Of Person God Uses To Be His Deputy Authority
    13. The Basis Of God’s Deputy Authority-Revelation
    14. The Character Of God’s Deputy Authority-Gracious To Others
    15. The Basis Of God’s Deputy Authority-Resurrection
    16. The Misuse Of Deputy Authority And God’s Government Judgment
    17. The Need For A Deputy Authority To Submit To Authority
    18. The Life And Heart Of A Deputy Authority
    19. The Need Of A Deputy Authority To Sanctify Himself
    20. The Requirements Of A Deputy Authority

    Additional Info
    Our God is a God of order and divine arrangement, and He desires that all things be headed up in Christ (Eph. 1:10). In opposition to the divine will, there is rebellion and chaos in God’s creation due to the fall of humanity. According to God’s divine arrangement, the reestablishment of order in the universe is centered on the relationship between Christ, the Head, and the church, His Body. Christ has been made Head over all things to the church (Eph. 1:22), and the living exercise of authority and submission within the Body of Christ is central to the working out of God’s divine will. In Authority and Submission, Watchman Nee presents many helpful principles and examples from the Holy Scriptures related to the proper exercise of both authority and submission, an exercise that is according to the divine life in the Body of Christ.

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  • Spiritual Man


    The Spiritual Man is a translation of the only book of any substantial size which brother Watchman Nee himself ever wrote. At the time of writing it he felt this work might be his last contribution to the church, although since then God has graciously overruled. Long after the books initial publication in Chinese our brother once was heard to express the thought that it should not be reprinted because, it being such a “perfect” treatment of its subject, he was fearful lest the book become to its readers merely a manual of principles and not a guide to experience as well. But in view of the urgent need among the children of God today for help on spiritual life and warfare, and knowing our brother as one who is always open to God’s way and most desirous to serve His people with all that God has given him, we conclude that he would doubtless permit it to be circulated in English. Hence this translation.

    Translations used. The Revised Standard Version (RSV) of the Bible has been used throughout the text unless otherwise indicated. Additional translations where employed are denoted by the following abbreviations-.
    Amplified-Amplified Old Testament
    ASV-American Standard Version (1901)
    AV-Authorized Version (King James)
    Darby-J. N. Darby, The Holy Scriptures.. a New Translation
    Young’s-Young’s Literal Translation

    Soulical and Soulish. The adjectives “soulical” and “soulish” have been used to convey distinctly different meanings. “Soulical” as herein employed pertains to those proper, appropriate, legitimate, or natural qualities, functions, or expressions of man’s soul which the Creator intended from the very beginning for the soul uniquely to possess and manifest. “Soulish” appears in these pages to describe that man in toto who is so governed by the soulical part of his being that his whole life takes on the character and expression of the soul.

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