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Encouragement and Lay Counseling

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  • Wheres My Miracle Pamphlet


    Where’s My Miracle?
    What to do when God doesn’t heal you

    Nothing can describe the horror of hearing doctors say, “You will never walk or use your hands again.”

    Or – “You have cancer. I’m afraid it’s terminal.”

    Like many people, you look to the Lord and pray for healing. You have friends and the pastor pray for you, but nothing happens. You read Scripture and claim the promises. You even have someone anoint you with oil or go to a healing crusade. But God doesn’t give you your miracle.

    You confess every possible sin and search your heart for any unconfessed sin. Your faith is strong and you tell everyone you will be healed, yet nothing seems to happen.

    You feel that God is playing a cruel joke or start to blame yourself for a lack of faith.

    And that’s a shame when Christians feel that way…

    The truth is that God certainly can heal and sometimes does heal people in a miraculous way. But the Bible does not teach that he will always heal those who come to him in faith.

    The big question is:
    What does the Bible REALLY teach about healing?

    The key is to understand God’s ultimate goal for your life. You need to-
    *Find joy in knowing God’s priorities for your life.
    *Know the comfort of the biblical promises.
    *Enthusiastically embrace God’s will for your life.

    You can find the joy of serving God despite unanswered prayer in this 14-page pamphlet. In just 30 minutes or less, you will unlock the door to a new attitude toward life.
    The topic of unanswered prayer is an issue that author, Joni Eareckson Tada, can speak to personally: A diving accident in 1967, when she was 17, left her a quadriplegic. She has lived 45 years in a wheelchair and she has experienced her share of ups and downs. “But,” she says, “oh, the difference the grace of God has made in my life.”

    Let Joni tell you her secrets to peace and joy, despite her wheelchair. She has spent decades studying the Word of God. She knows that God does not enjoy seeing your pain and frustration. He has compassion for you and gives you many ways to deal with life so that you can have peace.

    She has taken her most important insights on turning unanswered prayer into a life of joy (not anxiety) and has encapsulated them into this 14-page pamphlet. Whether you or a loved one is suffering. This pamphlet will bring you some help to break free from the strangle hold of fear and worry when God doesn’t seem to answer.

    In this pamphlet, you will find hope. Joni tells her sto

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  • Thankful Heart In A World Of Hurt Pamphlet


    It is hard to be grateful when you are looking into the jaws of mind-bending pain. Chronic illness, a heart attack, a terrible car accident, caring for a developmentally disabled child, facing betrayal and loneliness. These tough times make you want to give up and throw in the towel. You try to overcome, but the exhaustion destroys your energy and hope. You try to pray, but the pain interrupts your concentration. You want to give up.

    The topics of fear and hopelessness, depression and suffering, loneliness and worry are issues that author, Joni Eareckson Tada, can speak to personally: A diving accident in 1967, when she was 17, left her a quadriplegic. She has lived 45 years in a wheelchair and she has experienced her share of ups and downs. “But,” she says, “oh, the difference the grace of God has made in my life.”

    Let Joni tell you her secrets to peace and joy, despite her wheelchair. She has spent decades studying the Word of God. She knows that God does not enjoy seeing your suffering. He has compassion for you and gives you many ways to deal with life’s pain so that you can have peace.

    She has taken her most important insights on thankfulness and joy and encapsulated them into this 14-page pamphlet. Whether you or a loved one is suffering. This pamphlet will bring you comfort.

    In A Thankful Heart in a World of Hurt, author Joni Eareckson Tada tackles questions such as:
    *How can I really give thanks for all things?
    *How can I cultivate a grateful spirit?
    *What was the Apostle Paul’s secret to a grateful heart? (He had been beaten, stoned, whipped, starved, shipwrecked and betrayed by people he thought were friends.)
    *How is it possible to “Rejoice in the Lord always”?

    This colorful pamphlet gives God’s answers to the biggest questions.

    You need this if –
    *you are in pain and need encouragement,
    *you have a friend who needs words of comfort,
    *you are a pastor or church counselor, or
    *you lead a discussion group or home fellowship.

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  • HELP Someone I Love Has Cancer


    This small booklet for cancer sufferers, family, and friends explains the course of the disease and various treatments to manage it. Most importantly, it points you to Jesus Christ, the only One who can give you real comfort at this time.

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  • In Every Pew Sits A Broken Heart


    Ruth Graham-third daughter of Billy Graham-has discovered through bitter personal experience that God does his best work in the ruins of our lives. As Ruth’s life descended through divorce, depression, and shame; as she bore heartrending parental struggles; and as she faltered trying to make wise choices in the wake of bad ones, she discovered the unending embrace of a faithful, forgiving, and grace-filled God. This book surpasses the testimony of her fascinating story as she brings sharp new insight from the Word of God for all who fear their actions may be beyond forgiveness or their broken circumstances may keep them from being used by God ever again. Through the words of Jeremiah-the weeping prophet-Ruth reveals the God who makes wasted places come to life. The reader grasps the parable of the Prodigal Son as never before as Ruth discloses her own journey through that parable, first as the indignant older brother struggling to understand God’s grace toward her husband’s infidelity, then as the prodigal when her own actions bring deep shame and painful circumstances, and even in her role as the father, running to embrace her own children in the midst of bulimia, drug abuse, and unwed pregnancy. Finally, Ruth includes practical steps in every chapter anyone can take to offer care, support, and hope to the broken people they encounter in their lives and in the pews beside them every Sunday. The broken and those who love them will run with Ruth to the arms of the God they can trust, the Father God who embraces, sustains, and redeems.

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  • Journals Of Rachel Scott


    SKU (ISBN): 9780849975943ISBN10: 0849975948Beth Nimmo | Debra Klingsporn | Rachel ScottBinding: Cloth TextPublished: January 2001Publisher: Thomas Nelson

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  • In The Grip Of Grace


    SKU (ISBN): 9780849911439ISBN10: 0849911435Max LucadoBinding: Cloth TextPublished: September 2000Publisher: Thomas Nelson

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  • Gentle Thunder


    SKU (ISBN): 9780849911385ISBN10: 0849911389Max LucadoBinding: Cloth TextPublished: August 2000Publisher: Thomas Nelson

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  • Lunch Box Laughs (Reprinted)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780784710647ISBN10: 0784710643Tony Nappa | Mike NappaBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2000Publisher: Christian Standard Media LLC

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  • Just Like Jesus


    SKU (ISBN): 9780849912962ISBN10: 0849912962Max LucadoBinding: Cloth TextPublished: September 1998Publisher: Thomas Nelson

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  • Enjoying Where You Are On The Way To Where You Are Going


    SKU (ISBN): 9780892749485ISBN10: 0892749482Joyce MeyerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 1996Publisher: Spirit Filled Books

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  • Greatest Of These


    SKU (ISBN): 9780825429743ISBN10: 0825429749J. D. JonesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 1995J.D. Jones Classic LibraryPublisher: Kregel Publications

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  • Building Your Mates Self Esteem


    287 Pages In 18 Chapters
    8 Chapters

    Additional Info
    This eloquent source of instruction for anyone seriously committed to a strong, meaningful marriage will teach you how to:

    Appreciate your role in building your partner’s self-esteem.
    Learn practical and effective ways to love and support your mate.
    Repair past hurts in your spouse’s life.
    Build mutual intimacy through unconditional acceptance.
    Work together to build a vision for the years ahead.

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  • In The Eye Of The Storm


    SKU (ISBN): 9780849908903ISBN10: 0849908906Max LucadoBinding: Cloth TextPublished: November 1992Publisher: Thomas Nelson

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